Super Markup Man Mac OS

. High Sierra is now hidden on the Mac App Store. It is still available, but it's hard to find. To find it, check out this video: Find High Sierra on App Store This video shows you how to create. NOTE: This guide is not being actively reviewed or updated, and is currently retired. If you would like to use PGP via GnuPG, or Thunderbird with Enigmail, please refer to those services’ websites. Background remover for Mac - Super PhotoCut Instantly Remove Background from Image for Mac OS X.

  1. Super Markup Man Mac Os 7
  2. Super Markup Man Mac Os Catalina

SuperMemo World

Currently, there is no Mac version in development. If we find an independent developer ready to risk the development on this platform, we will gladly discuss cooperation. At any time there are 2-3 individuals or companies ready to give it a try. But these come and go. SuperMemo 1.0 for Mac developed in 1993-1995 was terminated due to being unprofitable.

See: Why does not SuperMemo World develop SuperMemo for Mac


In 2018, SuperMemo 17 seems to work in Parallels. Until now we had no complaints about major incompatibilities.

See: SuperMemo in Parallels Desktop for Mac

VMWare Fusion

See: SuperMemo in VMWare Fusion for Mac

CrossOver Mac

Matt M. succeeded in installing SuperMemo 16 in CrossOver Mac.

See: SuperMemo 16 in CrossOver Mac

Virtual PC

I am working for a while with SuperMemo and Virtual PC. It works. The downside: Virtual PC is not cheap! For working on the same database when not at my computer, I just copy the whole Virtual PC database (in VirtualPC list) to my laptop and back again.

FREE Alternative: VirtualBox

VirtualBox is a free version of VirtualPC and, apparently, even more functional. Just install Windows XP in a virtual machine and there you go. Also, it's easy to backup: when you're done with Supermemo, just copy the .vdi somewhere. (If you need help, ask in my talk page)


I have gotten supermemo 98 to work with darwine, which is freeware and is an offshoot of wine which was developed for linux to run windows programs. To run internet explorer on the mac, I use ies4osx. The relevant software:

I haven't yet shelled out the money for a more recent version because I am not sure it will work, and I don't feel like gambling when 98 works just fine.

sm98 vs. sm2006


To be sure sm98 works ok, you will need a few weeks of testing to know if all file operations are executed correctly (regular database checkup with the repair function will answer this question). It may appear that sm98 behaves better in emulation modes than newer versions because of its independence from Internet Explorer. To see how later versions behave, you can best try sm2004 trial here:


Other programs for Mac

See also

Retrieved from ''

In the previous post I described the minimum requirements to be able to achieve a text-only workflow using Markdown and Pandoc.

I mentioned that there is a “Super easy setup” option using Rstudio as your only tool to achieve this (specially useful if you use R), but I also promised to show a more general approach using Sublime Text 3 along with some extensions to automatize the process.

  • Pandoc
  • TeX distribution (only for PDF)
  • Sublime Text 3 (ST3)

and some Extensions for ST3 which can be installed following the links below, but I strongly recommend installing everything in ST3 using Package control

These Markdown extensions should work out-of-the-box, but Pandoc and CiteBibtex need some configuration.

I assume you have already installed Pandoc and TeX in your computer, if you haven’t go to my previous post and do it.

Sublime Text 3

Now install ST3, visit and download the version that matches your OS. After installation proceed to activate package control following this instructions.

ST3 Extensions

When package control is installed you just invoke the Command pallete with the key combination Shift + Ctrl + P (Shift + Command + P in OS X), now start writing “insta…” and from the drop-down list select the Command “Package Control: Install Package”. It will take a second to show you the available packages, once it does, start typing the name of the package and use the arrows to select the one that you want and press Enter to proceed with the installation.

Markdown Extended

Markdown syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, with extended support for GFM fenced code blocks, with language-specific syntax highlighting. YAML Front Matter.

This is currently the most complete Markdown syntax highlighter for ST3 since it supports almost all Markdown specific syntax (with the exception of <!--html comments--> and ~~strikethrough~~ text) along with other languages when they are included in fenced blocks, like the following screenshot:


Effortlessly insert citations from BibTeX into texts written in Pandoc or LaTeX

This extension has two functions. When you press F10 you will be able to search and insert a citation from a central BibTeX file.

Before that you have to configure the CiteBibtex.sublime-settings file with the path to your BibTeX file. You access this file through the menu Preferences > Package settings > CiteBibtex > Settings - User.

The second feature of this extension is the ability to extract the citations in your current document and generate a new BibTeX file with the same name as your document within the same folder. You do this by invoking the Command pallete and choosing “CiteBibtex: extract citations in current file”.


A Sublime Text plugin that uses Pandoc to convert text from one markup format into another. Pandoc can convert documents in markdown, reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, OPML, or Haddock markup to XHTML, HTML5, HTML slide shows using Slidy, reveal.js, Slideous, S5, or DZSlides, Microsoft Word docx, OpenOffice/LibreOffice ODT, OpenDocument XML, EPUB version 2 or 3, FictionBook2, DocBook, GNU TexInfo, Groff man pages, Haddock markup, OPML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, LaTeX Beamer slides, PDF via LaTeX, Markdown, reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, MediaWiki markup, Emacs Org-Mode, Textile, or custom writers can be written in lua.

Finally, we arrived to the most useful extension. After you finish the configuration you will be able to summon Pandoc from the Command pallete and choose what kind of document you want to convert your markdown file to.

You access the configuration file through the menu Preferences > Package settings > Pandoc > Settings - User. I recommend the following configuration to be able to export to HTML, PDF and DOCX, it works perfectly on a Mac and fine in my Debian Laptop. You have to tweak the paths to make it work on windows.

Super Markup Man Mac Os 7

Note that both '--latex-engine=/usr/texbin/pdflatex' and '--filter', '/usr/local/bin/pandoc-citeproc' have to be specified with the full path.

This post shows you how to work without leaving ST3 for the preparation of manuscripts, the setup takes some time but after you are done, everything will be so much faster.

I hope you enjoy it.

Super Markup Man Mac Os Catalina

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