Termina Mac OS

Terminal is especially helpful if you’re trying to install older versions of macOS or OS X, many of which are technically accessible from the Mac App Store but will be listed as “unavailable. The Terminal app on the Mac can help identify which ancillary services and processes running in the background may be causing your Mac to slow down. The Terminal application helps the user get inside macOS via a command line interface. They likely have a team of engineers for the Windows version and a separate team for the Mac version. With the 4 of us on the Terminal, I'm not sure it's really feasible for us to try and support an entirely separate UI stack. If WinUI, DirectX, and WinRT were available on OSX, then it would be trivial for us to port the Terminal to MacOS. Same commands work on Ubuntu, Fedora and other Linux distributions. The output might be formatted slightly differently but its all the same information.Comma.

Using screen as a serial terminal on Mac OS X

Geek Inc.

If you develop on an Apple and find yourself doing any sort of device or embedded development, you will quickly find the need for a serial terminal on Mac. There are a few software apps out there, but I find it much simpler to simply use the terminal application “screen”.
This works well particularly if you have an RS-232 serial to USB converter.
The first thing to do is determine which device you want to connect to.

Once you’ve determined which device you would like to use, you can execute the SCREEN command to start the serial terminal session on your Mac. Remember to specify the speed (baud rate) after the device name.

Once you’ve connected, you can use the terminal as you normally would.
To exit (and close the screen gracefully) press:

Screen will then prompt you to quit and kill all of your windows. Press “y” and you’ll be back to your shell terminal.
This method works equally well if you want to connect to a serial bluetooth device. You must simply make sure that the bluetooth device is paired and active. Then you will be able to see the device in the list of devices. Once you’ve connected to the serial bluetooth device with screen, the connection will be held active for the length of your session.
I’ve used this method to connect to the sparkfun Bluetooth Mate Gold. It simply appears as a serial stream that you can communicate with exactly as you would with any other serial device.

When you’re booting your Mac from the recovery partition and are planning to reinstall OS X, you might be met by the following message:

An error occurred while preparing the installation. Try running again

Now, if you haven’t used your Mac for a while, the error might be caused by an incorrect system date setting. You can check this by going to utilities and opening the terminal. Once in the terminal enter the following command and hit return/enter:

The result of this command will be the date that the system currently has been set to. For some reason, it might have been reset to 2001, in which case we need to set it to the right date. To do this, we enter a new command. This command will be entered as follows:

Every bracket should be replaced with a two-digit number based on UTC time. Below you see what the command should be for your current time and date – . To avoid trouble with timezones, we will use UTC time instead (). Which means, you can just enter it exactly like this:

Enter the command and hit return. You can then check if it was set correctly by running the first command again. If the date was wrong, it was likely that which caused the error, and after you quit the terminal it should be able to install OS X just fine.

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Terminal Mac Commands


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