Perseverance (Gilberto Porto) Mac OS

The Python Software Foundation:

Presentato il sistema operativo Mac OS X Panther. 1º novembre: il francese Jean-Claude Trichet succede a Wim Duisenberg e diviene il secondo presidente della Banca centrale europea. Georgia: elezioni del Parlamento, gravi sospetti di brogli elettorali. We are a Mozambican company with presence in all 13 provinces of the country offering services and telecommunications products to diverse and different social strata, with responsibility, independence and commitment.

  • Holds and defends the copyright and other intellectual property rights for the Python programming language.
  • Awards grants and provides resources for furthering the development and adoption of Python.
  • Organizes and hosts the annual PyCon conference. 2019 brought together 3,393 attendees from 55 countries, a new record for PyCon! Our sponsors’ support enabled us to award $137,200 USD to 143 attendees.
  • Pays for hardware and other costs for hosting the servers.
  • Acts as fiscal sponsoree to 11 regional conferences, meetups, and Python projects.
  • Recognizes individuals who have contributed to the Python community with Community Awards.
  • Funds a Python Ambassador program to travel locally to perform Python outreach.

To learn about recent PSF activities, visit the Python Software Foundation's weblog.

The PSF is a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. For more information, see the PSF IRS Determination Letter for details. Please consult your tax adviser to determine the tax deductibility of your gift to the PSF.

We welcome contributions of any amount. You can support the PSF with a one-time donation, monthly donations, or annual donations to support all of our great initiatives. See below for more information and contact with any questions.

  • Donate by credit card or PayPal

    Please use the button above to donate using a credit card or your PayPal account. You don't need a PayPal account to use the donation button.

  • Check or Money Order

    You may donate to the PSF using a check or money order. Please address checks in USD to the PSF headquarters.

    Please include your email address and your home address with your check so that we may provide you a donation acknowledgment letter.

  • Zelle, ACH, Transferwise, and Wire Transfers

    The PSF may receive donations by Zelle or ACH from US Domestic accounts, Transferwise from either US Domestic or International accounts, or Wire Transfers from International accounts. if you are interested in donating to the PSF using one of these methods, please contact

  • Other Ways to Give

    Your employer may offer a matching donation program. Please see the PSF Matching Gifts page for more information or let know if you have questions.

If you have questions about donations, please contact

The PSF would like to thank the following donors for their contributions. Donors are listed in descending order using an algorithm that takes into account both the amount of donation and the age of the donation, based on all donations received within the past three years.

  1. Jetbrains
  2. Anonymous
  3. PayPal Giving Fund
  4. GitHub
  5. Microsoft Corporation
  6. Facebook
  7. Capital One NA
  8. Google
  9. Slack
  10. Indeed
  11. Salesforce
  12. PyCon JP Association
  13. Sentry (Getsentry LLC)
  14. PyCon JP
  15. IBM Q
  16. Heroku
  17. The Pokemon Company
  18. LinkedIn Corporation
  19. Bloomberg, LP
  20. Corning Incorporated
  21. Nvidia Corporation
  22. ActiveState
  23. Planet Labs Software Team
  24. O'Reilly Japan, Inc.
  25. FOSS Responders
  26. Thomas Wouters
  27. Alethea Katherine Flowers
  28. Tidelift
  29. Red Hat, Inc
  30. Quansight
  31. Netflix
  32. Hudson River Trading LLC
  33. LLC
  34. Cockroach Labs, Inc.
  35. Vivek Goel
  36. Sentry
  37. Novetta
  38. Elastic
  39. Caktus
  40. Read the Docs
  41. Python Ed
  42. Cuttlesoft
  43. Xilinx, Inc.
  44. Bert JW Regeer
  45. Progressive Insurance
  47. Weekly Python Exercise
  48. Union IT-Services GmbH
  49. Two Sigma Investments, LP
  50. Anaconda
  51. Real Python
  52. Python Academy GmbH & Co. KG
  53. Read the Docs, Inc
  54. Chris Wilcox
  55. Toptal, LLC
  56. Research Affiliates
  57. Anyscale
  58. Abridge AI Inc
  59. Niteo
  60. William Woodruff
  61. isabelle engel
  62. Evgeny Skvortsov
  63. Ian Ghent
  64. Mozilla Corporation
  65. Amazon Smile
  66. Dr. Charles R. Severance
  67. Katina Mooneyham
  68. Tyler Bindon
  69. Carol Willing
  70. Geoffrey Thomas
  71. OpenCraft
  72. Michael Kowalchik
  73. Lincoln Loop
  74. Alma
  75. Juan huertas
  76. REVSYS
  77. Sixty North AS
  78. Venmo / Braintree
  79. Kevin Kelly
  80. Joshua Smith
  81. Anthony Wu
  82. Roy Larson
  83. Robert Halliday
  84. Howard Mooneyham
  85. Underwood Institute
  86. Guilherme Henrique
  87. Applied Biomath LLC
  88. The Nielsen Company US LLC
  89. Open Data Services Cooperative
  90. Trail of Bits
  91. Randall Dryburgh
  93. Rene Nejsum
  94. Gaetan Faucher
  95. The Tobin and Lu Family Fund
  96. PyCon Hong Kong
  98. Eric Mwiti
  99. codecentric AG
  100. Albert Sweigart
  101. Twilio
  102. PythonAnywhere
  103. Dustin Ingram
  104. Trace Tronic GmbH
  105. Webucator
  106. Lucas Tieman
  107. Caelan Urquhart
  108. Matthew Bullock
  109. Wes McKinney
  110. Jon Banafato
  111. Don Irrer
  112. John-Scott Atlakson
  113. Don McAuslan
  114. ProxyMesh, Inc.
  115. A JS Developer
  116. Ruben D Orduz
  117. Devendra Gera
  118. Dan Tappan
  119. Cory Benfield
  120. Michael Herman
  121. SIP.US
  122. Fusionbox
  123. Anvil
  124. Gregory P. Smith
  125. Carrie Edwards
  126. Spielberg Michel
  127. Ruben Orduz
  128. Scott Irwin
  129. Michael Albert
  130. Zev Averbach
  131. Dj Arguello
  132. Alex Martelli
  133. Jean-Paul Roberts
  134. Paul Bryan
  135. John Weachock
  136. Lee Schumacher
  137. John Perkins
  138. Jeremy Carbaugh
  140. Sriram
  141. Bala Juluri
  142. Jordi Riera
  143. Joe Drumgoole
  144. Mike McCaffrey
  145. Sam T. Sampanthan
  146. Automation Applications, Marc Baudraz
  147. Christian Reizner
  148. Konstantinos Mouratidis
  149. Intevation GmbH
  150. James Ahlstrom
  151. Matt Walker Jones
  152. Eric Sachs
  153. Constance Martineau
  154. Kevin P. Fleming
  155. Elsevier
  156. Kevin Marty
  157. Ewa Jodlowska
  158. Julien
  159. Gamal Sultan
  160. Andrew Kuchling
  161. Serhii Beznisko
  162. Thomas Watson
  163. Hideyuki Ogawa
  164. Nolan Brubaker
  165. bd808
  166. Lynn Root
  167. Eric Goller
  168. Chris Moradi
  169. Terence Barrett
  170. Carl Oscar Aaro
  171. Aaron Olson
  172. Lance Alligood
  173. Raymond Berg
  174. Jozef Iljuk
  175. Justin Gold
  176. Juan Gomez
  177. Carl Fischer
  178. Cole Maclean
  179. Thinkport GmbH
  180. Ying Wang
  181. Ashish Singal
  182. Fred Brasch
  183. TJ Porter
  184. Hiroshi Sano
  185. Anthony Lupinetti
  186. James Turk
  187. Daniel Kappler
  188. Daniel Brotsky
  189. Karloku
  190. Catalyz
  191. Pascal Chambon
  192. Wendi Dreesen
  193. David M. Strickland
  194. Andrew Strodtbeck
  195. Will Kahn-Greene
  196. Ivan Grokhotkov
  197. Ryan
  198. Arianne
  199. Terry Peppers
  200. Guy Ziv
  201. shimizukawa
  202. Aaron J. Olson
  203. whitequark
  204. Moz
  205. fluffy
  206. Alexander Müller
  207. Elias Dabbas
  208. Gamal Crichton
  209. Judah Milgram
  210. BaoGiang HoangVu
  211. Sameh Abdelhady
  212. Miguel Sarabia del Castillo
  213. Ian Hellen
  214. Ludovic Pithon
  215. Cory Tendal
  216. Peter Brink
  217. Yaniv Mirel
  218. Software Freedom School
  219. Mitchell Chapman
  220. Shreya Khurana
  221. Paul Block
  222. BoarGules
  223. Blaise Pabon
  224. Daniel Woodraska
  225. Allen Downey
  226. Renato Byrro
  227. Shin Takagi
  228. Robert Gabriel Moeller
  229. John Hill
  230. John Adjei
  231. Frank Valcarcel
  232. A. Ryding
  233. Crystal Taggart
  234. Ed Hagerty
  235. 真吾 辻
  236. Baptiste Mispelon
  237. Michael Trosen
  238. Théophile Studer
  239. John Reese
  240. Moritz Fechtner
  241. Ragnar Olafsson
  242. Lena Digital GmbH
  243. Bradley Gannon
  244. michael pechner
  245. iximeow
  247. Carl Trachte
  248. M Daniel
  249. Daniel Axmacher
  250. Andreas Tsouchlaris
  251. Ben Warren
  252. Jon Braunsma
  253. Max Haibt
  254. Peter Kropf
  255. Chris R
  256. Dave Jones
  257. Mark Moretto
  258. Patrick-Oliver Groß
  259. Matthew Lansing
  260. Paul Curry
  261. Danny McGuinness
  262. Kamil Mańkowski
  263. Tobi F.
  264. Arthur Pemberton
  265. Kay Schlühr
  266. Lee Starnes
  267. Dietmar Schwertberger
  268. Richard Quinn
  269. Matthias De Vriendt
  270. guy masse
  271. 4A-Informatique
  272. Chris Rose
  273. Fidel Leon
  274. hille721
  275. Thomas Debrunner (BitOpen Informatik)
  276. Michael Ziege
  277. Emil Christensen
  278. Donald E Hawk Jr
  279. 22 times bv
  280. Ben Lancaster
  282. Ashwin Patil
  283. Sharoon Thomas
  284. Mike Pirnat
  285. KeithTheEE
  286. Bashar Al-Abdulhadi
  287. A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
  288. Baron Chandler
  289. Peter Cotton
  290. Eduard B.
  291. Denis Roy
  292. Ath Athanasius
  293. Alejandro Saucedo
  294. Kamal Hassan Kamal Mohamed
  295. Gimerly Systems, Inc.
  296. Alyssa Hirsh
  297. Virginia Earl-Mirowski
  298. reto
  299. Donald J. Welch
  300. Chris Morrow
  301. Eric Luoma
  303. Joel Watts
  304. Sean McGinnis
  305. Linode
  306. debnet
  307. Alex Raskin
  308. Levy Family Fund
  309. David Radcliffe
  310. Allen Stewart
  311. Kelly Peterson
  312. Steve Nowicki
  313. Samuel Freilich
  314. Jaganadh Gopinadhan
  315. Ester Beltrami
  316. Francis Flaherty
  317. Kyle Laker
  318. Disser Family Trust Charitable Fund
  319. Anthony Bouvier
  320. Allen Riddell
  321. TJ Nel
  322. Ray Hayes
  323. Andrew T. Baker
  324. Cherie Williams
  325. Tim Pullan
  326. Jake Woods
  327. Greg Goddard
  328. Scott Mooney
  329. Oliver Andrich
  330. Kathryn Lingel
  331. Andrew C Bennett
  332. Nitin Madnani
  333. Marco S. Zuppone
  334. Sye van der Veen
  335. Daniel Bushey
  336. Calvin @ironfroggy Spealman
  337. Apostolos Georgiadis
  338. Ross Dunne
  339. Luiz Irber
  340. Ed Salinas
  341. Barbara Shaurette
  342. Peter Farrell
  343. Will Rice
  344. Pavel Sapezhko
  345. Nico de Groot
  346. Alvaro Moises Valdebenito Bustamante
  347. Peter Pinch
  348. Patrick Abeya
  349. Daniela Ushizima
  350. George L. Lotridge
  351. Ben Hammel
  352. Sven Wehner
  353. Lorena Mesa
  354. samorisaugusto
  355. S. Augusto
  356. Kai Waelti
  357. Dennis Jandt
  358. Eric Klusman
  359. Catherine Nelson
  360. Vicky Twomey-Lee
  361. Thomas Kessler
  362. Michael Twomey
  363. Ruda Porto FIlgueiras
  364. Nikolay Baryshnikov
  365. Hirendra Majumdar
  366. John McGrail
  367. Henriette Vullers
  368. Gorgias Inc.
  369. Junlan Liu
  370. Maxim Levet
  371. Joe Carey
  372. Urvish Vanzara
  373. Luis Capelo
  374. Hamza Sheikh
  375. Yusuke Tsutsumi
  376. David Scheliga
  377. Michael Zufferey
  378. Matthew Lauria
  379. Christopher Brousseau
  380. Matt Coles
  381. Thomas Ballinger
  382. Christopher Wilkinson
  383. Graham Soutar
  384. Krisztián Pintér
  385. Nick Sweeting
  386. Jonathan Hartley
  387. Matthew Bowden
  388. Douglas Harrington
  389. Joseph Cravo
  390. Vladimir Benda
  391. Jesse Wei
  393. Jethro Nederhof
  394. Gert Burger
  395. Thomas Mortimer-Jones
  396. Sam Kimbrel
  397. David Potter
  398. Steve W
  399. Florian Schulze
  400. Arne Sommerfelt
  401. William Woodall
  402. Jeffrey Self
  403. Ehsan Iran Nejad
  404. OleksandrK
  405. Markus Daul
  406. Nina Zakharenko
  407. Julian Rymarowicz
  408. Mubashir Ahmed
  409. Lynwood Elementary
  410. David Jones
  411. Reflektor Consult
  412. Srinivasa Katta
  413. Erik Andersén
  414. Ilya Kamenshchikov
  415. Jorge Herskovic
  416. David Stephens
  417. David Forgac
  418. LAAC Technology
  419. tdsmith / @biotimylated
  420. Paul Vosper
  421. Freedom Trail Realty School, Inc.
  422. Eric McDonald
  423. Dave W. Smith
  424. Charles W. Parker
  425. Andrew Chen
  426. Amit Sinha
  427. A. Cormier
  428. Adam Murphy
  429. Quentin Pradet
  430. Sal DiStefano
  431. Keith Bussell
  432. Tm Peters
  433. Fantom
  434. Erin and Christian Patterson
  435. Clifford L Pelletier
  436. Preston Lasebikan
  437. Matthew Fowler
  438. Bob Black
  439. RJC
  440. Наташа Самойленко
  441. Pedro R.
  442. Hans Voshol
  443. David Glick
  444. Simplicollect Products Inc
  445. Mark Turner
  446. JJ
  447. Anthony Goreham
  448. Thomas Eckerle
  449. John Nemitz
  450. Jean-Louis Fuchs
  451. Ceri Hopkins
  452. Reuven M. Lerner
  453. Chip Warden
  454. Brian Okken
  455. Xiangying Ji
  456. TechSolX
  457. Rinat Safin
  458. Pengfei Zhang
  459. Minas Gjoka
  460. Webb Software, LLC
  461. Victor Stepanov
  462. Stephen Godfrey
  463. Robert Gottesman
  464. Florian Philipp
  465. Mark Servilla
  466. Nicholas C. Yannios
  467. Christoph Becker
  468. Ulf Göransson
  469. Michał Mazurek
  470. Gilbert Brault
  471. Diana Rodriguez Manrique
  472. Tuxis
  473. Keith F Woeltje
  474. Manuel Quinteiro
  475. Meal Mentor
  476. Ch.Hoermann
  477. Simon Knapp
  478. TriOptima
  479. Tomasz Janicki
  480. Viet-Tam Luu
  481. Sergey Vilgelm
  482. Jiun-Kuei Jung
  483. Jeff Epler
  484. Chancy Kennedy
  485. Sami Fantar
  486. Noah Hall
  487. Emerson Knapp
  488. Drilon Berisha
  489. Bryan Weber
  490. Masakatsu Sugii
  491. Jay Berkenbilt
  492. Sebastian Wehrmann
  493. Kenneth Hoffman
  494. Erik O'Shaughnessy
  495. Swaroop CH
  496. Bruce Eckel
  497. David Nicholson
  498. skatromb
  499. Russell Duhon
  500. Greg Kostello
  501. Stjepan Lovasić
  502. Stefan Braun
  503. Sho Tanaka
  504. Peter O Newstein
  505. NAKAMURA, Tomohiro
  506. X. Villaneau
  507. Joaquin Berenguer
  508. Kevin Perkins
  509. Brian Rutledge
  510. Steve Jackson
  511. Olli-Pekka Heinisuo
  512. John Sivak
  513. Herman Slagman
  514. pouya rezvanipour
  515. kean tan
  516. Wey-Han Liaw
  517. Toru Furukawa
  518. Takanori Suzuki
  519. Shunsuke Yoshida / @koedoyoshida
  520. Russell Briggs
  521. Rei Suyama
  522. Regis Montoya
  523. Paul Everitt
  524. Hayao Suzuki
  525. Greg Denson
  526. Felix Crux
  527. Ero Carrera
  528. Diana Clarke
  529. David Smith
  530. Constantine Lignos
  531. Becky Sweger
  532. Atsuo Ihsimoto
  533. John Wagenleitner
  534. tyochiai
  535. YourLabs Business Service
  536. Volker Suess, ATC
  537. Ryan S. McCoy
  538. Robin Friedrich
  539. Obi
  540. Fitz
  541. Doug Hellmann
  542. tim harris
  543. Y Meadows
  544. Tom Verhoeff (TU/e)
  545. Zachary Piazza
  546. Paul Cunningham
  547. Zato Source
  548. Raymond GA Côté
  549. Linh Pham
  550. apl
  551. Elana Hashman
  552. Alexander Burchenko
  553. Aaron Davis
  554. Surendra Meduri
  555. Manfred Moitzi
  557. Frank Dietrich
  558. D F Moisset de Espanes
  559. Laurent Brack
  560. Jacob Middag
  561. Felipe Veloso
  562. Michael Seidel
  563. Jack Linke
  564. Davi dos Santos Borges
  565. Rainald Koch
  566. Nicholas Tucker
  567. Mathias Leimgruber
  568. Frits Mastik
  569. David Biersach
  570. Andrew Kittredge
  571. Manuel Frei
  572. Boris Schellekens
  573. phillip torrone
  574. Wayne Johnston
  575. Jean Francois Prieur
  576. Better Simple
  577. kenneth durril
  578. Serhii Beznysko
  579. Ewen McNeill
  580. JohnFM
  581. Nikola Kantar
  582. Marco Tosato
  583. Elaine Meriwether
  584. Gilberto Pastorello
  585. Frank Abissi
  586. Adam Borbidge
  587. xu jing
  588. Adam Younce
  589. Jung Oh
  590. Cranberry
  591. Jesse Greene
  592. Anurag Saxena
  593. Jürgen Bauer
  594. Ian Medina
  595. Adam Molinaro
  596. Christophe Jean
  597. Larry Scott
  598. Chung Kai See
  599. Ka Yuen Leung
  600. James Lacy
  601. Anthony Nystrom
  602. Lisa Porter
  603. Brian Clark
  604. Benjamin Hills
  605. Ashwini Oruganti
  606. Alfonso Calvo Orra
  607. Vladimir Roncevic
  608. Micah Culpepper
  609. Ryan Bonifacino
  610. Anis GHAOUI
  611. David Cuthbert
  612. András Mózes
  613. Babak Shafiei
  614. Steven Lott
  615. Pat Figliozzi
  616. Anatoscope
  617. Lance Kurisaki
  618. Kamil Sindi
  619. Jeffrey Fischer
  620. ulo reskov
  621. Balint Varga-Perke
  622. Robbert Zijp
  623. D G Karetnyk
  624. Pulkit Sinha
  625. Arturo Castro
  626. Chenghao Mou
  627. Averital Consulting, LLC
  628. 段 雪峰
  629. Philipp Weidenhiller
  630. Mamadou Diallo
  631. Christopher Merle
  632. Theodore Willke
  633. Norman Elliott
  634. Nicholas Tietz
  635. Ming-Jer Lee
  636. David Bibb
  637. Hans Braakmann
  638. Jakub Musko
  639. Ursula C F Junque
  640. Dan Cusher
  641. Andre Burgaud
  642. Aaron Shaneyfelt
  643. Marc Elewitz
  644. Owen Nelson
  645. Brian Cohan
  646. Torsten Marek
  647. Matthew Svensson
  648. Matic Potočnik
  649. jason amith fernando
  650. Amir Rachum
  651. Jacob Magnusson
  653. Stefan Hagen
  654. Mickael Falck
  655. Michel Noblet
  656. RAREkits
  657. Papakonstantinou K
  658. Michael McCaffrey
  659. Mayank mishra
  660. Takahiro KITAHARA
  661. Jason Smith
  663. Christopher Dent
  664. Martin Gfeller
  665. Soleil
  666. Jason Molenda
  667. Oliver Gründonner
  668. litio network
  669. Jason Myers
  670. Benjamin Dyer
  671. Jeremy Boyd
  672. Dang Griffith
  673. Paulus Schoutsen
  674. struppi
  675. Mahmoud Hashemi
  676. Brett Slatkin
  677. Kevin 'Kai' Chang
  678. FelixTheC
  679. Colin Garvey
  680. Harvey Summers
  681. Glenn Jones
  682. Dan Crosta
  683. Mohammed Al Nasser
  684. Gabriel Corsini
  685. Carlos Ortiz
  686. Lonny Lundsten
  687. Fabrice Normandin
  688. Alex Sobral de Freitas
  689. Shane Fagan
  690. Handojo Goenadi
  692. Michel Lauth
  693. Michelle Sandford
  694. Hugo Alameda De Estrada
  695. Raymond Thompson
  696. Javier Gonzalez
  697. Andrew Janke
  698. William Carroll
  699. Fredrik Söderblom
  700. Margaret Beck
  701. Ashley Thomas
  702. Sebastián Ramírez
  703. Derek Evans
  704. Sean
  705. David Strozzi
  706. Kristen McIntyre
  707. Patrick Figliozzi
  708. Justin McCammon
  709. Happy Herbivore Inc
  710. Pavlo M Kurochka
  711. Saujan Ghimire
  712. Augusto Goulart
  713. Linus Groh
  714. Matthew Chapman
  715. Paul Kehrer
  716. Connie Tiet
  717. James Murty
  718. Mike Stringer
  719. Cristián Maureira-Fredes
  720. Brennen Raimer
  721. Artur Kulik
  722. Nicolae Godina
  723. Scott Carpenter
  724. Seth Michael Larson
  725. Jirka Borovec
  726. Guilherme de S. Vieira Beira
  727. Daniel Milde
  728. Akseli Nelander
  729. Mickaël Schoentgen
  730. Yaakov Bressler
  731. Ofek Lev
  732. Dylan Baker
  733. Sung-Jin Kim
  734. Somesh Bartakke
  735. Mike Landrus
  737. Craig Labenz
  738. Rajdeep Dutta
  739. Peter Lüttringhaus
  740. Stephanie Gilbert
  741. Titus Soporan
  742. Nick Hird
  743. Jari
  744. e4r7hbug
  745. Jannis Leidel
  746. 林玮 (Jade Lin)
  747. Sergio Moraes
  748. Allen Wang
  749. W. David Winslow
  750. Evgeni Sautin
  751. Bruno Alla
  752. Helen S Wan
  753. Adam Englander
  754. Vignan Velivela
  755. mental
  756. Jeremy Mayeres
  757. Alexander Kaszynski
  758. Erich Seifert
  759. Matthew Konvalin
  760. Ivan Nikolaev
  761. Aru Sahni
  762. jbking
  763. Yuta Kanzawa
  764. Chuck Woodraska
  765. Erik Soma
  766. Ram Rachum
  767. Putu Arya Sabda Wijaya
  768. Johannes Maron
  769. J Stephen Martin
  770. Nicola Giardinelli
  771. Vicki Boykis
  772. Jenő Ujhelyi
  773. Jacob Peddicord
  774. Terry Watt
  775. Sean Byrne
  776. Seth Carlson
  777. Adam Foster
  778. Tynan Wait
  779. Dave Diamond
  780. Giuliano P. Tognarelli Buono-core
  781. Shauna
  782. Munis Isazade
  783. Schlomo Alter
  784. Peter Fein
  785. Derek Keeler
  786. Charles Dibsdale
  787. Timothy Tate
  788. Israel Saeta Pérez
  789. Timofey Kukushkin
  790. Marek Michalík
  792. Devin Bileck
  793. Michael Miller
  794. Philip Adler
  795. Creating Null
  796. Emmanuel Leblond
  797. Brian Grohe
  798. Saul Baizman
  799. Thianchai Jampapang
  800. Patrick Mazulo de Brito
  801. Scott Shawcroft
  802. Home Partners of America
  803. Roger Coram
  804. Paul McLanahan
  805. Sander Steffann
  806. Brandon Thayer
  807. Intellovations
  808. James Sam
  809. Phillip Melvin
  810. nidhin pattaniyil
  811. mahmut dumlupinar
  812. Yuto Ochiai
  813. Ronny Meißner
  814. Gerard Blais
  815. Mark Mangoba
  816. Ian-Mathew Hornburg
  817. Zheng Jin
  818. Erick Navarro
  819. Jim Anderson
  820. Bryan Berend
  821. Dmitry Sancha
  822. Peter Hozák
  823. Jure Šorn
  824. Sebastian Elsner
  825. Makhan Madahar
  826. 株式会社Xoxzo
  827. Joachim Jablon
  828. Christian Prigge
  829. Bjorn Stabell
  830. Shane Harvey
  831. Priyanka Gagneja
  832. Seppe DE LOORE
  833. Patrick McNeil
  834. Nicolas Valdiviezo
  835. Mike Korneev
  836. Mark Grandi
  837. Kono Analytics
  838. Jørgen Svane
  839. Joshua Bloom
  840. Jeremy Edberg
  841. Bryan Gorges
  842. Russ Crowther
  843. Thorin Schiffer
  844. Shang-Lin E Chen
  845. N P Cole
  846. Chip Lukes
  847. Brian Skinn
  848. AJ Hillen
  849. Josh McVey
  850. Florian Bruhin
  851. Xie Shi
  852. David Palao
  853. Leon Sandoy
  854. James Otterson
  855. Demian Brecht
  856. roger schreck
  857. Richard Landau
  858. Richard Gerard Dee
  859. Jason Brod
  860. Asaf Reich
  861. Andrew Konstantaras
  862. Taihsiang Ho
  863. Pablo PB
  864. Marco-Tobias Frank
  865. Bukasa J-L Tshilombo
  866. Stephen Hilton
  867. So Hau Heng Haggen
  868. Rob Pinkerton
  869. Timothy Prindle
  870. Roberto Himmelbauer
  871. Heng Swee Ngee
  872. Wai Chip Ngai
  873. LC Vriend
  874. Sam Corner
  875. lucas godoy
  876. Deborah Aprilia Josephine
  877. Павел Правдюков
  878. Steve Popenoe
  879. Jeffrey Tratner
  880. Dr. Robert Pommrich
  881. Andreas Kugel
  882. Eduardo Orochena
  883. Stacey Haysler
  884. Gerol Bado
  885. Victor Movileanu
  886. Torben Fricke
  887. Henri Lardy
  888. lemon
  889. andre maizener
  890. Stephen Theodore
  891. Rhys Ryan
  892. Melle Slotema
  893. Shaun Walbridge
  894. Bert Jan Willem Regeer
  895. Joseph Dayrit
  896. Stefan Micheelsen
  897. Masataka Okudera
  898. Dmitry Vasilev
  899. Geoffrey Runyon
  900. Anil Varkhedi
  901. Beshr Kayali
  902. Markus Falkner
  903. Tomas Storck
  904. Takumi Sueda
  905. Michael B Whelan
  906. Matthew Hanson, BSEE
  907. Junsu Ko
  908. Christopher Forte
  909. Joshua Simmons
  910. Eino Mäkitalo
  911. Dale Wright
  912. Charles Stanhope
  913. Alexander Ejbekov
  914. Tracy Teal
  915. devemin
  916. Thomas Graf
  917. Saji Antony
  918. Meili Triantafyllidi
  919. Lanny Glover
  920. Dan Halbert
  921. Alexandr Jeliuc
  922. Richard Dewey
  923. Ho Conrad
  924. Sampath Vanimisetti
  925. Paul Koppen
  926. Paolo Cantore
  927. Matt Pare
  928. Federico Capoano
  929. Thomas Franks
  930. Shinichi Nakagawa
  931. Mitsuki Ogasahara
  932. Kei IWASAKI
  933. Hugo Peumans
  934. Seth Juarez
  935. Nathan Epstein
  936. Murali K Kalapala Kalapala
  937. siva_B
  938. Zurab Gvishiani
  939. Shotaro Hosoya
  940. Magnus
  941. Lee Vaughan
  942. Kyle Altendorf
  943. Jim Tittsler
  944. Herb Schilling
  945. William Horton
  946. Aleksandar Kormushoski
  947. Michael Brennan
  948. 英夫 服部
  949. toshitanian
  950. takahiro0129
  951. Vito B.
  952. Tomonari Masada
  954. Kazuki Urushiyama
  955. Joe Reed
  956. Jian Luo
  957. Alon Horesh
  958. Adhir Badul
  959. @momijiame
  960. Eduardo Goncalves
  961. ipeacocks
  962. Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
  963. Parsimony
  964. Josh Karpel
  965. Hedronist
  966. Graziano Giuliani
  967. Fernando Muñoz
  968. Chris Patti
  969. Yiming Yang
  970. Stephen Younger
  971. Gábor
  972. Shane Denecke
  973. Zeta Associates
  974. Wenlei Zhu
  975. Todd Small
  976. Marc Camerlin
  977. Brian Merron
  978. Ashar Mairaj
  979. Ivan Himanen
  980. vburton
  981. William Glennon
  982. Russell CAO
  983. Paul Wekesa
  984. Miodrag Miličević
  985. Marcel Domingus
  986. Daniel Boline
  987. Amit Kumar
  988. zane dufour
  989. Morgan Williams
  990. Mitch Chapman
  991. Mikołaj Świątek
  992. Judith Elaine Bush
  993. Jan
  994. D.K
  995. Daniel Godfrey
  996. Виктор Дворников
  997. paul guenezan
  998. Tobias Ippisch
  999. Mireille Raad
  1000. Frank Holtz
  1001. Сергей Кикевич
  1002. Robert Pharoah
  1003. Richard DeVaul
  1004. Nitinkumar Chaudhary
  1005. André Tadeu de Carvalho
  1006. Sergio Sánchez Zavala
  1007. Rafael Caricio
  1008. Christopher Lunsford
  1009. Сергей Кузнецов
  1010. Williams Mendez
  1011. Andrew Lambe
  1012. Alexander Shamparov
  1013. Anto Binish Kaspar
  1015. Mario Keplinger
  1016. Kowen Houston
  1017. Jacopo Corbetta
  1018. David Knoll
  1019. Tim
  1020. Aaron Straus
  1021. Huaizhong Liu
  1022. Jonathan Curtiss
  1023. Kevin Stilwell
  1024. Ekaterina Levitskaya
  1025. business business business
  1026. Moving Content AG
  1027. Tim Lesher
  1028. Ryan Magley
  1029. Christoph Fluegel
  1030. Moritz Eilfort
  1031. Charles Gilbert
  1032. Hugo Lopes Tavares
  1033. Steven Loria
  1034. Nate Glissmeyer
  1035. UmedaTakefumi
  1036. Michael Gilbert
  1037. Andrey Semakin
  1038. Robert Cheley
  1039. OLA JIRLOW
  1040. Matt Bacchi
  1041. Lokesh Dewan
  1042. Yip Yen Lam
  1043. Hashberg
  1044. Salvador A. Contreras
  1045. Thomas Loges
  1046. Sara Bram
  1047. Kecia Duffy
  1048. Froilan Irizarry
  1049. Adam Forsyth
  1050. Elk Range Royalties
  1051. Benjamin Starling
  1052. Alex Zverianskii
  1053. Mark Haase
  1054. Alex Riviere
  1055. Nehar Arora
  1056. Jeff Borisch
  1057. Andy Piper
  1058. Vanessa Bergstedt
  1059. Timothy Hoagland
  1060. Tara Johnson
  1061. Sandip Bhattacharya
  1062. Philip James
  1063. Dustin Mendoza
  1064. Bernard Lawson
  1065. Pete Bryan
  1066. Mohammad Burhan Khalid
  1067. JustSeis
  1068. D Jones
  1069. Ryan Evans
  1070. Devious Solutions
  1071. Paul Woo
  1072. Kevin Matthew Ramnauth
  1073. Kemal Kurniawan
  1074. Darasimi Ajewole
  1075. Nicholas Sweeting
  1077. Juan Manuel Ruiz Fernández
  1078. Vygantas Butkus
  1079. Santiago Arias
  1080. James Hodgkinson
  1081. David Schaap
  1082. L L
  1083. David M Potter
  1084. Weisi Dai
  1085. Roberto Arista
  1086. David Schmid
  1087. Mikko Puustinen
  1088. Smital
  1089. Nutchanon Ninyawee
  1090. John F Monaghan
  1091. Vaclav Dekanovsky
  1092. Frode Byrkjeland
  1093. Carlos Felipe Domingues e Oliveira
  1094. Matthew Barga
  1095. ryan
  1096. Mariatta Wijaya
  1097. Griffin Derryberry
  1098. Patrick Kilduff
  1099. Shane Fontaine
  1100. Sarah Guido
  1101. Brandon Rozek
  1102. Oleksii
  1103. Daniel Klein
  1104. Mr Teabag of the Ministry of Silly Walks
  1105. Stanislav Ivanov
  1106. Jeff Hale
  1107. Erik Bjäreholt
  1108. Ara H
  1109. DE HOANG
  1110. Kay Beudeker
  1111. Ulrich Bschorer
  1112. Samuel Colvin
  1113. Denis Kotov
  1114. Ahmed Shahwan
  1115. Lukas Treber
  1116. SysNet Tecnologia Ltda
  1117. Stephen Swanson
  1118. Krishnan Swamy
  1119. Dirk Biesinger
  1120. Timothy White
  1121. Robert Brooks
  1122. Kelly Conger
  1123. SaiKiran Cheemakurthi
  1124. Maarten Betman
  1125. Максим Миславский
  1126. GARY A BECK
  1127. Allen Stoner
  1128. FlyinBryan
  1129. Serge Matveenko
  1130. vlade11115
  1131. Alexander Hultnér
  1132. Ming Zhao
  1133. Monte Lewis
  1134. Matthias Ploner
  1135. Ulrich Berntien
  1136. Frederik Hendrik Johannes Otto
  1137. Joseph Harper
  1138. nathan MUSTAKI
  1139. FrancescSD
  1140. Thomas Rüegg
  1141. Tyler Woodcock
  1142. Michael Ryan
  1143. Maurice Meilleur
  1144. Michelle Hickman
  1145. Marcos Thomaz
  1146. Vincent Bermel
  1147. James Doutt
  1148. Ryan Schwiebert
  1149. Mike Short
  1150. Enrico Gandini
  1151. Shreepad Shukla
  1152. Marvin Liu
  1153. Douglas Hammond
  1154. Brice Parent
  1155. Robert Szerwinski
  1156. Willis Cummins
  1157. G Nyers
  1158. Andrew Barley
  1159. Atilio Quintero Vásquez
  1160. Alexandre Chabot-leclerc
  1161. 泉波 柳
  1162. Tony Ibbs
  1163. Thijs van Dien
  1164. Seki Hiroshi
  1165. Raj Shekhar
  1166. Oleksandr Buchkovskyi
  1167. Okko Willeboordse
  1168. John Palmieri
  1169. Jan-Olov Eriksson
  1170. Han Liang
  1171. Brooke Hedrick
  1172. I/O=DD
  1173. Diane Delallée
  1174. david Larsen
  1175. Kilian Steinberg
  1176. Ramiro Ron
  1177. Jamie Phillips
  1178. Divakar Viswanath
  1179. eric gilson
  1180. Raul Marzo
  1181. QuantumGhost
  1182. bhakti
  1183. Rob Kennedy
  1184. Jayson Scruggs
  1185. Gerhard Wesselink
  1186. Aki Harma
  1187. Jun
  1188. 淑臣 井上
  1189. Sylwester Gruszka
  1190. Sven-Olaf Peeck
  1191. Larry Huang
  1192. Jhon William Calderon
  1193. Autom8tap, LLC
  1194. zc
  1195. Keming
  1196. 张 亮
  1197. Ulrich Meier
  1198. Robert Vincent
  1199. Lukas Sigrist
  1200. Keith Dart
  1201. John Laudun
  1202. G. Couch
  1203. Denis Darii
  1204. aqua7regia
  1205. James Phoenix
  1206. Egor Kiselyov
  1207. Nathan Rooy
  1208. Justin Blasi
  1209. Poul Andersson
  1210. Mohamed Amine Khalf
  1211. Koki Miura
  1212. Jeff T
  1213. Dipl.-Inform. Florian Carstens
  1214. Dinu Gherman
  1215. Robert T. Manigault
  1216. Philip Lukhachi
  1217. KonstantinT
  1218. JG
  1219. Aaron Hill
  1220. Sébastien Capt
  1221. Stefan Brandl
  1222. Pascal Imhof
  1223. Jan Imhof
  1224. Ugo Piovan
  1225. Ted Gueniche
  1226. Jürgen Mußmächer
  1227. Hansheng Zhao
  1228. Fred Jones
  1229. Arun Persaud
  1230. Pradhvan Bisht
  1231. Yosuke Suzuki
  1232. Yongqiang Li
  1233. Patrick Nsukami
  1234. Erik van Roode
  1235. Bill Hayes
  1236. Art Swri
  1237. Yeongbin Jo
  1238. Sebastián Bevc
  1239. HASEBA Junya
  1240. Dominick Garey
  1241. Cecil Rock
  1242. tobias Scheck
  1243. Victor M. Santiago (MechanizeCode)
  1244. Nicolas Gonot
  1245. Naowarat Lewis
  1246. Lukas
  1247. Jan:)
  1248. rossbar
  1249. Tony Goodwin
  1250. Shiva Bhusal
  1251. Sebastjan Valic
  1252. Peter Taeleman
  1253. Michael Ball
  1254. Madhusuthanan Seetharam
  1255. Lester
  1256. Ken Cheung
  1257. Jon Bjarnason
  1258. John Johnston
  1259. Janko Slavič
  1260. Ilario Febi
  1261. Frank Dornheim
  1262. Andrew Mitchell
  1263. Sameera Sandaruwan
  1264. Kyle Moad
  1265. Kolja Lubitz
  1266. John W. Palmieri
  1267. Aleksandar Todorov
  1268. Thijs Miedema
  1269. Paolo De Stefani
  1270. Nils Moehrle
  1271. Joe Shaw
  1272. Ben Matson
  1273. Antonio Tejada
  1274. Alain Mosnier
  1275. Tadeh Hakopian
  1276. Oriol Alfonso
  1277. maltanar
  1278. kofrezo
  1279. Nandhakumar Murali
  1280. Mapfl
  1281. Klaus-Jürgen Wolf
  1282. Florian Mader
  1283. Danny Busch
  1284. Andrzej Borowiec
  1285. Amit Chapatwala
  1287. Simon Fairclough
  1288. Shiang-ping Hao
  1289. Sam Morgan
  1290. Qi Zhang
  1291. Pavel Durugyan
  1292. Nao Yonashiro
  1293. Manoj Gandamalla
  1294. Karel Husa
  1295. Christian Valerius
  1296. Cesar Cruz
  1297. Antonio Tadeu Lyrio De Almeida Junior
  1298. Adrien FRUMENCE
  1299. Thomas Montaigu
  1300. Thomas E Jenkins
  1301. Pey Lian Lin
  1302. Lukáš Morávek
  1303. Lisa Martiny
  1304. Kiyotaka Takizuka
  1305. Ivan Razumov
  1306. Bjazz209
  1307. Alan Justino da Silva
  1308. 郎咸蒙
  1309. 真中らぁら
  1310. Константин Рыхлецкий
  1311. gimli
  1312. Tyler McBrown
  1313. Tony Simpson
  1314. SeungHoonShin
  1315. MoMoKa Studio
  1316. Marc-Aurèle Coste
  1317. Karen Higgins
  1318. Jeff Garbers
  1319. Jaap Versteegh
  1320. Graham Wheeler
  1321. Glauco Rolim - Unesp-Jaboticabal/Brazil
  1322. Christoph Jurkowski
  1323. Adi Sulce
  1324. Aaron Batilo
  1325. 陈卓舟
  1326. papa leromi
  1327. Timothy Eng
  1328. Taiki Kanda
  1329. Steve Ardagh-Walter
  1330. Samuli
  1331. Mikulás Márton
  1332. Joe Stanley
  1334. Armin Kleinhans
  1335. Marvin Süß
  1336. 黄翀
  1337. 中山大樹
  1338. podhmo
  1339. Phil2toul
  1340. Ivan Tarozzi
  1341. Emery Berger
  1342. Ellen König
  1343. Aaron Tillekeratne
  1344. Ben Siebert
  1345. zhelyazko zamanchev
  1346. tiryoh
  1347. Yohei Kurata
  1348. Wolfram Rach
  1349. T-Rex
  1350. Stephan Finkensieper
  1351. Sean Kerr
  1352. Remco Wendt
  1353. Pietro M.
  1354. Peter Hageman
  1355. Noah N. O'Consequence
  1356. Nipun Khanna
  1357. Michał Klich
  1358. Madelene Campos
  1359. Koichi Tsuru
  1360. George Chii
  1361. Edmar Pessoa
  1362. Davide Arcuri
  1363. Colin Marquardt
  1364. Chad Fulton
  1365. rane
  1366. Tomoro Tokusumi
  1367. Tomoko Furuki
  1368. Thijs Smits
  1369. Ryuji Tsutsui
  1370. Roman Koifman
  1371. Romain Ouabdelkader
  1372. Paul Baby
  1373. Oliver Berger
  1374. Oleksii Ostapov
  1375. Niko Pasanen
  1376. MetaphoricWords
  1377. Massimiliano Abiusi
  1378. Masashi Shibata
  1379. Marco Kabelitz
  1380. Luca Fabbri
  1381. Leslie Devlin
  1382. Kazufumi Ohkawa
  1383. Jürg Rast
  1384. Julien Moura
  1385. John C
  1386. Guilhain Averlant
  1387. Frans Schippers
  1388. DAV
  1389. Cornelis Okko Willeboordse
  1390. Cheong Koo
  1391. Benjamin Pottier
  1392. Andrew G. Konstantinidis
  1393. Andrei Kucharavy
  1394. Akihito Yokose
  1395. 0xdefi
  1396. casey justus
  1397. Thomas Liebscher
  1398. Shaishav Parekh
  1399. Sergey Silaev
  1400. Scott L
  1401. Narayana I Srinivasan
  1402. Mila Boldareva
  1403. Maurizio Binelli
  1404. Jordan McVeigh
  1405. Jannes Höke
  1406. Hakon Verespej
  1407. Dennis Schreiber
  1408. David Bonner
  1409. Dan Watson
  1410. Ask M.AR.C.I.E
  1411. Alex Buchkovskyi
  1412. Timmy P
  1413. Seth
  1414. Nozomi Miyamori
  1415. Nguyễn Hồng Quân
  1416. Marius Orfgen
  1417. KE2KQ
  1418. Javier Isaac Fonseca Acosta
  1419. David Moreno
  1420. Brandon Haugen
  1421. Adel Djellouli
  1422. Srinivasan Thirumalai
  1423. Roberto Meza
  1424. RamjiC
  1425. Mischa Spiegelmock
  1426. Francois Gervais
  1427. Daniel Hrisca
  1428. Bart Nijssen
  1429. Augustin Prolongeau
  1430. Antoine Martin
  1431. lanky6715t
  1432. cdr.1641
  1433. Paul Harwood
  1434. Michael A Morris
  1435. Karim Mansour
  1436. FALKMAN RP
  1437. Torgny Bjers
  1439. MBOT
  1440. Johnnie Pasta
  1441. Anatolii Khakhalin
  1442. daniel roy
  1443. Calvin Black
  1444. LambdaFunction
  1445. Alain Marchand
  1446. 剛一 湯川
  1447. Борис Клюс
  1448. Алексей Орлов
  1449. Phoebe Bright
  1450. Petr Shuller
  1451. Josh Grant
  1452. Jason Van Schooneveld
  1454. Gene Belitski
  1455. Franz Zetting
  1456. Fernando Sanchez Hernandez
  1457. DevTest
  1458. David Mora
  1459. Clemens Förster
  1460. Atanas Mavrov
  1461. Alexander Korotkiy
  1462. Jordan Wiens
  1463. louis perrier
  1464. Yan Kim
  1465. Tishampati Dhar
  1466. Thomas Guettler
  1467. Tadas Šubonis
  1468. Ryan Dahms
  1469. Proyecto Chiquitines
  1470. Jorge Carlos Franco
  1471. Jonathan Allen
  1472. Jari Hynninen
  1473. Igor Pogoutse
  1474. Grégoire Unbekandt
  1475. Georgios Antzigai
  1476. Daniel Menendez Quinto
  1477. Blake VandeMerwe
  1478. Betzel Inc
  1479. Barry Matas
  1480. Artur Olbinski
  1481. Antoine Bouquin
  1482. Andreas Lydersen
  1483. Andreas Kohl
  1484. Yaron Gonen
  1485. Michael McCrary
  1486. Matthew Maybeno
  1487. Jochen Knuth
  1488. Joachim Knust
  1489. Enzo Maini
  1491. Frédéric MEUROU
  1492. Tomas Pytel
  1493. Michael Klemke
  1494. Thomas Alex
  1495. Barry Moore II
  1496. Jordan Berry
  1497. Fu Huancheng
  1498. Panu Tulimäki
  1499. Oleksandr Kyrdan
  1500. luca giacovelli
  1501. priya
  1502. Sergey Kamilchu
  1503. Jason Grout
  1504. Zsolt Cserna
  1505. sander teunissen
  1506. William Koehrsen
  1507. Brian Ehrhart
  1508. Samuel Dumont
  1509. Chris Balcom
  1510. James Traub
  1511. Jorge L. Gimeno
  1512. Harvey Bird
  1513. Paul HOCHON
  1514. Esa Niemi
  1515. Fernando Telechea
  1516. Felipe Salinas
  1517. Richard Ellis
  1518. Alexander Krachunov
  1519. Len B
  1520. Anthony Wray
  1521. Vincent Pierre Gerard
  1522. Roberto Venditti
  1523. Prajjwal Dangal
  1524. Martin Klein
  1525. Alexei Romanov
  1526. Andrew Jarcho
  1527. Dmitry Vlasov
  1528. barry
  1529. Seth Cottam
  1530. Adam McQuistan
  1531. Laurence Tyler
  1532. ClaudeM06
  1533. Amal
  1534. Alexandre GALODÉ
  1535. Дмитрий Сучков
  1536. Pedro Luis García Alonso
  1537. PapinSibiryak
  1538. Thomas Kluyver
  1539. Andrzej Szeszko
  1540. Scott Lasley
  1541. Guru Prasad
  1542. Wayne Adams
  1543. wdscxsj
  1544. W.J. Heeringa
  1546. Christian Korneck
  1547. 久遠寺 千秋
  1548. Ogbonna Ezeofor
  1549. Joel Torres
  1550. bytefray
  1551. narito
  1552. Arianne Dee
  1553. SEUNG HO KIM
  1554. Christine Rehm
  1555. Arryn Pidwell
  1556. Савва Суренков
  1557. Sarah Clements
  1558. Cristian-Petru SABAILA
  1560. Václav Dekanovský
  1561. Irina Ghazazyan
  1562. Silvio Bichler
  1563. Bao Giang Hoang Vu
  1564. Yaroslav Nezval
  1565. Jorge A Velez
  1566. Alex Boss
  1567. hexin
  1568. Antonin Jousson
  1569. Paweł Tłuścik
  1571. brejoc
  1572. Conner Crosby
  1573. ZHU
  1574. Ahmet Arsan
  1575. Simon Klimaschka
  1576. Dimo Fedortchenko
  1577. Douglas Eisenstein
  1578. Cory Kujawski
  1579. Todd Mitchell
  1580. Fabian Lehner
  1581. John Walker
  1582. Mayank Sardana
  1583. Tyler Tracy
  1584. Bruno Vermeulen
  1585. Khuanchai Chooboonraj
  1586. Bryce Corbitt
  1587. abhinav
  1588. César Román
  1589. ishayahu
  1590. Jeison Pacateque
  1591. Madahin
  1592. Charles Carter
  1593. Shutaro Osawa
  1594. Tom Fahlberg
  1595. Scott
  1596. CryoQSim Programmer
  1597. Christopher Mathey
  1598. Shravya Boggarapu
  1599. Rory Finnegan
  1600. Evgenia Lyjina
  1602. Stephen Hutchinson
  1603. Ruslan Baikulov
  1604. AJAY SANT
  1605. Salvador Ortega
  1606. Ron Barker
  1607. Lorenzo Gomez
  1608. CMS
  1609. Casa
  1610. Nikolai Ehrhardt
  1611. J Kendal
  1612. Rupesh Jadhav
  1613. christianProgrammer
  1614. Iordanis Masmanidis
  1615. Farhan Munim
  1616. Fabien OLLAGNON
  1617. Steve Kim
  1618. Gabriel Bocchini
  1619. Mark Shoemaker
  1621. Joe Arthur
  1622. Wannaphong Phatthiyaphaibun
  1623. Neil Austen
  1624. Gabor 'GoobeMaster' Major
  1625. Steven Fowler
  1626. Xinyi Li
  1627. Jens Philip Pedersen
  1628. Windfarer
  1629. eli roif
  1630. Donatas Prialgauskas
  1631. Anton Agestam
  1632. Bede Constantinides
  1633. Shotaro Yura
  1634. Maulin Tolia
  1635. Samurai
  1636. Rolf Nellen
  1637. william Debenham
  1638. XIAOYAN MA
  1639. Peter Fabri
  1640. Morne Owen
  1641. Donna OConnell
  1642. Anayein Daskalos
  1643. Venkata Rao
  1644. Michael Newman
  1645. David Chester
  1646. Victor Arribas
  1647. Christian Coenen
  1648. Alejandro Garrido
  1649. Kim Mai
  1650. David Keck
  1651. Zachary Valenta
  1652. Keith Dennis
  1653. Поваляев Василий
  1655. Teemu Tynjala
  1656. Simon PAYAN
  1657. Daniel Clementi
  1658. Akhil Ravipati
  1659. Sam Poyyayil George
  1660. Christopher Neugebauer
  1661. Christian Wiegand
  1662. Leander Karp
  1663. David McInnis
  1664. Paolo Lammens
  1665. SRobby
  1666. OMOTO Tsukasa
  1667. xixi
  1668. wu
  1669. Zhou Xiaoqiang
  1670. Rithish Saralaya
  1671. Kamesh Sampath
  1672. John Spiliotopoulos
  1673. Andrew Fox
  1674. Ítalo
  1675. two_ack
  1676. Noah Gaeta
  1677. Christophe Michiels
  1678. Boris Kontorovich
  1680. mat
  1681. Maarten Braakhekke
  1682. Kai Wen Zhong
  1683. Kumarasivan
  1684. Jorge Valdez Osorio
  1685. Heiko Greiner
  1686. Claus Conrad
  1687. Andrej Klester
  1689. TechGuyChris
  1690. Sebastian T.
  1691. Paolo Consiglio
  1692. Oleg Zastavnyy
  1693. Marco Esposito Micenin
  1694. Guillaume DALLAIRE
  1695. VH
  1696. Saint Blackmoor
  1697. Mark Inkley
  1698. Ludovic De Block
  1699. Horst Kozilek
  1700. Etienne de Villers
  1701. menglei
  1702. Nick Yannios
  1703. Leobard
  1704. Hakob Khachatryan
  1705. Bruno Van Vaerenbergh
  1706. gabrielS.
  1707. Zoran D. Grujić
  1708. Wim van Dooremaal
  1709. Reed Colloton
  1710. Ralph Zacharias
  1711. Sunil N.
  1712. Ranjan Sharma
  1713. Jaanus Udam
  1714. Edmond Sesay
  1715. Andrew Bennett
  1716. Bernardo Roschke
  1717. Yosuke Komatsu
  1718. Thiago Trida
  1719. Rob Osterburg
  1720. Rico Metzger
  1721. Reinier Bello Suarez
  1722. Patrick Donahue
  1723. Norbert Szyszka
  1724. Ning W
  1725. Nicholas Su
  1726. L. Doyle
  1727. Hugo Dahl
  1728. Ehsan Faraji Jalal
  1729. DjangoVzla - Comunidad Django Venezuela
  1730. Weipeng Hong
  1731. Roland Burgstaller
  1732. Roberto Nobrega
  1733. Rajesh Manglore
  1734. Mark van Holsteijn
  1735. Kai Kobschätzki
  1736. Jinfeng Ma
  1737. David House
  1738. Andreas R.-S.
  1739. n.lahmi
  1740. corka149
  1741. Yevgeniy Kosmak
  1742. Visagan Subramaniam
  1743. Rizky Muhammad
  1744. Peter Yves Ruland
  1745. Max.Sun
  1746. Kiran Teki
  1747. Joaquin Rodriguez
  1748. Franco
  1749. David Meissner
  1750. Ales Daniel
  1751. bhavin tandel
  1752. Oliver Nordh
  1753. Moritz Schubert
  1754. Joouuseph
  1755. InsukHan
  1756. Arunkumar Santhanakrishnan
  1757. Aleksi Häkli
  1758. sh2MAN
  1759. haiqiang liang
  1760. Tomas Garzón Hervás
  1761. Prabakaran Kumaresshan
  1762. Hans Micheelsen
  1763. Drew Szurko
  1764. Benjamin Lorenz
  1765. Attila Tóth
  1766. 施展 (eshizhan)
  1767. mcicero
  1768. Wangoru Kihara
  1769. Ville Lehtinen
  1770. Timon
  1771. Sylvain Thibodeau (Canada)
  1772. Sungwoo Jo
  1773. Ricardo Quesada
  1774. Katsuya Ishiyama
  1775. Jordi Blasi Uribarri
  1776. Happy to help.
  1777. Djordje Cupic
  1778. Brandi Besalke
  1779. Andy Callaway
  1780. Alain Uriarte
  1781. Volodymyr Kutovyi
  1782. Rodrigo de León
  1783. Luis David
  1784. Johan Losvik
  1785. Jan Schaffranek
  1786. Hugo Enrique Arganda Salazar
  1787. Oliver Moller
  1788. ruta
  1789. Tuukka Mustonen
  1790. Thansk
  1791. Soham Chakraborty
  1792. Sergei Bondik
  1793. R. Boerma
  1794. Pierre Moermans
  1795. O'Ryan Kelch
  1796. Najeem Muhammed
  1797. Allan de Souza Santos
  1798. YewMing Chen
  1799. Motoki Hirao
  1800. Ido Fliess
  1801. rillian
  1802. donggu-kang_KR
  1803. Yancy Dennis
  1804. TestingTheCat
  1805. Nicholas Liu
  1806. Magik
  1807. Liam OToole
  1808. Ivelin Ivanov
  1809. Elmar Pruesse
  1810. E.G.
  1811. DistinctNoot
  1812. Denis Kruchkov
  1813. ChrisB
  1814. yoshinori yamashita
  1815. karaage
  1816. Vittawat Laorungroj
  1818. Jiro720
  1819. Harutaka Kawamura
  1820. Attila
  1821. Andrea Romagnoli
  1822. Ákos Bodrogi
  1823. sapol suriyo
  1824. rodsim182
  1825. aleb
  1826. RagazziD
  1828. OmarC
  1829. Netbranch Company Limited
  1830. Junya Debari
  1831. IAMSK
  1832. Gregor Gramlich
  1833. Fabian Lohmar
  1835. Collins Emetonjor
  1836. Carlotto
  1837. Canol
  1838. Bharath Adapa
  1839. Anjan Karmakar
  1840. Alexey Ruzin
  1841. Adrian Ablazo
  1842. ちゃんゆー
  1843. disneyresidents
  1844. avbezdolny
  1845. Yábir García
  1846. Teo
  1847. T.Ohtsuji
  1848. Sushrut Kerulkar
  1849. Stefano Frassetto
  1850. Ryosuke Kaneko
  1851. Riccardo Zoncada
  1852. Ramon Pires da Silva
  1853. Nir Harel
  1854. Misha Drachuk
  1855. Lucas Polo
  1856. Katsuya Hyodo
  1857. Jason Stinnett
  1858. Egor Hlopetki
  1860. Bruno Caimar
  1861. AtsushiSakai
  1862. pengyao
  1863. ligor
  1864. ingfrerod
  1865. Yusuke Ohshima
  1866. Pavel Druzhinin
  1867. Owl
  1868. Nathan William Young
  1869. Mykyta
  1870. Junya Takayama
  1871. Jim in Dayton MD
  1872. Christos Chatzivagias
  1873. Boris Rumyantsev
  1874. Ashutosh Gupta
  1875. 年洋 神谷
  1876. Tom Teichler
  1877. Thanathip Limna
  1878. Sascha Rau
  1879. Pavel Savchenko
  1880. Marcos Mendonça
  1881. Louis Schnetler
  1882. Kiran Vajja
  1883. Ke Li
  1884. Kathleen G Perez-Lopez
  1885. Josuah ARON
  1886. Andrei Pufu
  1887. Oleksander Mashianov
  1888. Michael Fleming
  1889. Martin
  1890. Edward Cheadle
  1891. Doug Mello
  1892. Amrith Krishna
  1893. Aldo
  1894. Simon
  1895. Moritz Wilksch
  1896. Marcin Kornat
  1897. Joel Revzen
  1898. TrickyTroll
  1899. Tomasz Zurawski
  1900. Jorijn de Graaf
  1901. Hilit Oreny
  1902. Henry James
  1903. Hendrik Jander
  1904. Антон Бадайкин
  1905. jjivarspoquet-kr0m
  1906. Sergei Borzakovskii
  1907. Nathaniel Knight
  1908. Gábor Patassy
  1909. Fine perfume in travel sizes
  1910. Daniele Teti
  1911. Chris Norulak
  1912. Alexander Charykov
  1913. Денис Титкин
  1914. Ólafur Jónsson
  1915. dario gambino
  1916. Robert Erick
  1917. Osvaldo Santana Neto
  1918. Nikunj Patel
  1919. Nicholas Lewis
  1920. Mattias Baake
  1921. Matthew John Lebrun
  1922. Martin Maes
  1923. Howard Zhang
  1924. Grégoire Duvauchelle
  1925. Carl Winblad
  1926. Aaron Wiora
  1927. Niranjan R
  1928. Mahesh Narayanamurthi
  1929. Johannes Postler
  1930. Ivo Keuken
  1931. Hardipinder Singh
  1932. Gabriel Miró
  1933. Enrique Garcia
  1934. Arvind C Senthil Kumaran
  1935. Vitor Espíndola
  1936. James Bliss
  1937. Harald Michi
  1938. Shao Jun Liu
  1939. Athul Muralidhar
  1940. Mr kmson kemzy
  1941. Cameron Fackler
  1942. OTW-SOFT Maciejczyk Rafał
  1943. Roman Gres
  1944. Guillaume CAS
  1945. Peter Kulik
  1946. 인수 한
  1947. yasser jirjees
  1948. David Jackowiak
  1949. Irmak Cakmak
  1950. Gary Palmer
  1951. Борис Румянцев
  1952. Guillaume BLANCHY
  1953. Rafael Rodriguez
  1954. Daniel van Strien
  1955. Abdullah Jannadi
  1956. Patrick Arminio
  1957. Ernest W. Durbin III
  1958. Juliano Toriani Lima
  1959. Владислав Филонич
  1960. dojopy
  1961. Cristopher Hernandez
  1962. Chris Wright
  1965. Ján Bajús
  1966. Artem
  1967. 学 清田
  1968. Vadim Lopatin
  1969. Andrzej Stawicki
  1970. Rajeev Raghu Raman A
  1971. Libing Meng
  1972. pierluigi Pasquali
  1973. 翼 大野
  1974. Thomas Vander Vliet
  1975. Alberto Castillo Gordón
  1976. antti heroja
  1977. Ivaylo Nenkov
  1978. Dexter Ryan Floreza
  1979. Jason Spicher
  1980. Lars Arne Bakke
  1981. Abigail Jules
  1982. Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty
  1983. Adria Dawson
  1984. Iryna Kramer
  1985. Arthur Mancini
  1986. Rodrigo Amaral
  1987. Andreas Baeumer
  1988. Django&Index-py讨论群(QQ)
  1989. Victoria White
  1990. Ira Konvalinka
  1991. Федор Андрианов
  1992. Peter Callahan
  1993. Joshua Joubert James
  1994. vinod aggarwal
  1995. Really来日方长
  1996. Felix Müller
  1997. Sumit Menon
  1998. Nicolas Lozano Amaya
  1999. Matthew Hanson
  2000. David Arkaxhiu
  2001. Morton Davis
  2002. John Cleary
  2003. Carlos Villalobos
  2004. Ruben Di Battista
  2005. Denis Kostomarov
  2006. Nathan Lawrence
  2007. Иван Фадеев
  2008. Aileen Mikaela Gutmann
  2009. Nikola Kikanovic
  2010. k mecchia
  2012. George Hage
  2013. Andrew White
  2014. Zachary Rubin
  2015. Yotam Manor
  2016. Miquel Soldevila Gasquet
  2017. Mark Vanstone
  2018. Faisal Albarazi
  2019. Faisal Al-Qasimi
  2020. Elias Bonauer
  2021. Denis Sergeev
  2022. 容刚 袁
  2023. Antonio José Christovão Pinto
  2024. 昊 刘
  2025. Nikolaos Mavrakis
  2026. Kleber Julien Noel
  2027. tinyrat peng
  2028. Ff888
  2029. William Jose Moreno Reyes
  2030. Giacomo Marchioro
  2031. Frisco Del Rosario
  2032. Olivier Korach
  2033. Christian Blackburn
  2034. Anmol Patil
  2035. Mohammadreza Firoozeh
  2036. Jordan Breen
  2037. Thomas Spornraft
  2038. Peter Tribout
  2039. Logan Aikas
  2041. Vijaya Saradhi Muthavarapu
  2042. Michal Krejci &
  2043. Juan Alvarez
  2044. Sandro Trovo
  2045. Li Jiabin
  2046. Johann Scott
  2047. Paulo Pires
  2048. Shaohua Zhang
  2049. Neil Martinko
  2050. mohamed bassiouny
  2051. Gu
  2052. Fabrice Quenneville
  2053. Daniel Markovski
  2054. Xu Haoyu
  2055. William Brisa
  2056. Suraj
  2057. Shilun Peng
  2058. Dao Kha Phong
  2059. Amir Ansari
  2060. Ajay Tripathi
  2061. Luke Miller
  2062. Kevin Shi
  2063. Rolf Weingardt
  2064. Pier Giorgio Mingoia
  2065. Nikolai Almaev
  2066. Topher Pedersen
  2067. arjuna senavirathne
  2068. Tomas Ramilison
  2069. Slava L
  2070. Otto Walkeajarvi
  2071. Jordi Isidro Llobet
  2072. basavyr
  2073. Abdulla Tarish
  2074. Tonatiuh Santiago
  2075. Aayush Gadia
  2076. angel_ll
  2077. PraJyo
  2078. Andreas Janzen
  2079. Sven Valley
  2080. Hanna Hummal
  2081. Algoritmix
  2082. Tessa Alexander
  2083. Evgeny Zarzhitsky
  2084. David-Leon Pohl
  2085. Adam Allevato
  2086. Tilo Laufer
  2087. Vladislav Filonich
  2089. Mauro Yamaguchi
  2090. Carla Coleman
  2091. 魏 莱
  2092. Bulberdi
  2093. Humberto Sanchez II
  2094. Mathieu Dupuy
  2095. John Davies
  2096. James Hsu
  2097. Michael Pierce
  2098. Fred Opitz
  2099. Alexandra Niculai
  2100. Thomás Henrique Silva Lima
  2101. Tom Falland
  2102. Thomas Dunn
  2103. Yuichi Imagaki
  2104. Aditya Raoot
  2105. Frank Jury
  2106. Tabitha Judy
  2107. Adam Szegedi
  2108. Salvatore Cusumano
  2109. tuesday
  2110. Jacob Stopak
  2111. Maryann Hines
  2112. Sumana Harihareswara
  2113. Martin Borst
  2114. SJ Jeong
  2115. Hendrik Lankers
  2116. Andrea Mecchia
  2117. Ilya Kruglikov
  2118. Luis Miranda
  2119. Shinan Yang
  • 1LibriVox
  • 2Listen
    • 2.2Finding Audiobooks
  • 3Volunteer
    • 3.1Where to Start
    • 3.3Reader (Narrator)


LibriVox is a hope, an experiment, and a question: can the net harness a bunch of volunteers to help bring books in the public domain to life through podcasting?

LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain, and then we release the audio files back onto the net. We are a totally volunteer, open source, free content, public domain project.




Listening to the files

See also: How To Get LibriVox Audio Files

Finding Audiobooks



Lists & Indexes

Other resources for listeners

(In another language: Français: Comment devenir benevole)

LibriVox volunteers narrate, proof listen, and upload chapters of books and other textual works in the public domain. These projects are then made available on the Internet for everyone to enjoy, for free.

There are many, many things you can do to help, so please feel free to jump into the Forum and ask what you can do to help!

See also: How LibriVox Works

Where to Start

Most of what you need to know about LibriVox can be found on the LibriVox Forum and the FAQ. LibriVox volunteers are helpful and friendly, and if you post a question anywhere on the forum you are likely to get an answer from someone, somewhere within an hour or so. So don't be shy! Many of our volunteers have never recorded anything before LibriVox.

Types of Projects

We have three main types of projects:

  • Collaborative projects: Many volunteers contribute by reading individual chapters of a longer text.
We recommend contributing to collaborative projects before venturing out to solo projects.
  • Dramatic Readings and Plays: contributors voice the individual characters. When complete, the editor compiles them into a single recording
  • Solo projects: One experienced volunteer contributes all chapters of the project.

Proof Listener (PL)

Not all volunteers read for LibriVox. If you would prefer not to lend your voice to LibriVox, you could lend us your ears. Proof listeners catch mistakes we may have missed during the initial recording and editing process.

Reader (Narrator)

Perseverance (gilberto Porto) Mac Os Download

Readers record themselves reading a section of a book, edit the recording, and upload it to the LibriVox Management Tool.

For an outline of the Librivox audiobook production process, please see The LibriVox recording process.

Perseverance (gilberto Porto) Mac Os X

One Minute Test

We require new readers to submit a sample recording so that we can make sure that your set up works and that you understand how to export files meeting our technical standards. We do not want you to waste previous hours reading whole chapters only to discover that your recording is unusable due to a preventable technical glitch.

(In another language: Deutsch, Español, Francais, Italiano, Portugues)


(In another language: Deutsch, Español, Francais, Nederlands, Português, Tagalog, 中文)

Recording Resources: Non-Technical

  • LibriVox disclaimer in many languages

Recording Resources: Technical

Dramatic Readings and Plays

Book Coordinator (BC)

A book coordinator (commonly abbreviated BC in the forum) is a volunteer who manages all the other volunteers who will record chapters for a LibriVox recording.

Metadata Coordinator (MC)

Metadata coordinators (MCs), help and advise Book Coordinators, and take over the files with the completed recordings (soloists are also Book Coordinators in this sense, as they prepare their own files for the Meta coordinators). The files are then prepared and uploaded to the LibriVox catalogue, in a lengthy and cumbersome process.

More info:

Graphic Artist

Volunteer graphic artists create the album cover art images shown in the catalog.

Perseverance (gilberto Porto) Mac Os 7

Resources and Miscellaneous


How to Edit the Librivox Wiki

NOTE: Anyone may read this Wiki, but if you wish to edit the pages, please log in, as this Wiki has been locked to avoid spam. Apologies for the inconvenience.

If you need to edit the Wiki, please request a user account, with a private mail (PM) to one of the admins: dlolso21, triciag, or knotyouraveragejo.
You will be given a username (same as your forum name) and a temporary password. Please include your email address in your PM.
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