Hostile Work Environment Mac OS

PA Hostile Work Environment Laws The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces laws related to a hostile work environment on the federal level. The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act is a state law which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, age or national origin by employers with more than four employees.

Starting from version 10.7 (Lion), Mac OS X includes 2 firewalls: PF & Application Firewall. Both are disabled by default.

  • Feb 19, 2021 A hostile work environment claim is a workplace discrimination claim under federal law. The person complaining must prove they were discriminated against based on race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, pregnancy, age, or disability, and that the actions must have been pervasive and severe enough to be considered abusive.
  • Harassment is verbal, physical, electronic, or other conduct based upon an individual’s membership (or perceived membership) within a protected category (see definition below) as listed in Sections IV and VI of the Policy Prohibiting Discrimination in the Workplace and Educational Environment that creates a hostile environment.
  • Whenever you upgrade your operating system (OS), you will need to CAC-enable (i.e. Public Key Enable) the system all over again. You should refer to the instructions and downloads available from the web pages under Getting Started for End Users (Mac)on DISA's Information Assurance Support Environment (IASE) website.
  • Pre-Complaint Documents Menu All sorts of behavior can create what employees deem to be a 'hostile work environment'. But, in the legal sense, a hostile work environment is caused by unwelcome.

Mac Os Environment Variables


Mac OS X 10.6 (and earlier) came with IPFW, a port of FreeBSD’s stateful firewall. IPFW was deprecated in OS X 10.7, and was completely removed in OS X 10.10; it was replaced with PF. PF (Packet Filter) is OpenBSD’s system for filtering TCP/IP traffic and doing Network Address Translation. PF in OS X, however, appears to be based on the FreeBSD port of PF. Like FreeBSD 9.X and later, OS X appears to use the same version of PF as OpenBSD 4.5.

The latest OpenBSD version is 5.6 (as of January 2015); and the configuration syntax for PF changed around 4.6/4.7.

Apple has enhanced PF so that various system components might choose to enable and disable PF, as indicated by the following snippet in /etc/pf.conf:

These two flags, -E and -X, are absent from pfctl on other BSDs. Here’s how they are documented in pfctl(8):

The main PF configuration file is /etc/pf.conf, which defines the following main ruleset by default in OS X 10.9 & 10.10:

The main ruleset loads sub rulesets defined in /etc/pf.anchors/, using anchor:

The launchd configuration file for PF is /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ PF is disabled by default:

Application Firewall

OS X v10.5.1 and later include Application Firewall that allow the users to control connections on a per-application basis (rather than a per-port basis). Application Firewall is disabled by default.

After enabling the Application Firewall (System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Firewall -> Turn On Firewall), you’ll find PF is enabled too:

Apparently Application Firewall enables PF using pfctl -E. In addition to its own rules, Application Firewall generates a set of dynamic rules (sub ruleset) for PF through anchor point At this stage, the sub ruleset is empty, which got someone really confused.

But if either “Enable stealth mode” or “Block all incoming connections” is checked in Firewall Options..., dynamic rules for PF will indeed be created:

Note there is a bug in Apple’s implementation of PF! According to pfctl(8):

If the anchor name is terminated with a ‘*’ character, the -s flag will recursively print all anchors in a brace delimited block.

But it produces an error instead:

We have to use the full anchor path:

As you can see, a set of dynamic PF rules is created for AirDrop too. I surmise they are still created by Application Firewall, because according to the output of pfctl -s References, PF has only been enabled once, by Application Firewall.

Besides using the Security & Privacy Preference pane, you can also configure the Application Firewall from the command line. The utilities for Application Firewall are located at /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall. The default configuration file is /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/; and the running configuration file is /Library/Preferences/

Stopping and starting Application Firewall is easy enough, using launchd. To stop:

To start:

Workplace Bullying

We can configure the settings of Application Firewall using socketfilterfw:


Logging support for PF is provided by pflog. The pflog interface is a pseudo-device which makes visible all packets logged by PF. Logged packets can easily be monitored in real time by invoking tcpdump on the pflog interface.

Create a pflog interface:

Monitor all packets logged by PF:

Destroy the pflog interface when you are done with it:


If two firewalls, Application Firewall & PF, are both running, you may wonder whose rules take precedence. Let’s find out.

The logs of Application Firewall are saved in /var/log/appfirewall.log. You’ll see a lot entries like the following, repeating roughly 2 times per minute on my iMac:

Add the following as the first rule of /etc/pf.conf:

Add the following 3 lines to /etc/pf.conf (to block incoming traffic but allow outgoing traffic):

The first rule is to allow incoming Bonjour traffic. In a hostile environment, e.g., a public WiFi, we’ll put the above 3 lines at the end of the file to block all incoming traffic, in which case, the sub rulesets in anchor “” will have no effect!

For each packet or connection evaluated by PF, the last matching rule in the ruleset is the one which is applied.

In work environment, you can put the 3 lines right above the line:

Reload /etc/pf.conf:

Show the currently loaded filter rules:

Check /var/log/appfirewall.log again. You’ll find no new log entry for Application Firewall appears in the file.

So one can conclude that PF rules are applied first, then the rules for Application Firewall.


To enable OpenSSH server on OS X, in the Sharing Preference pane of System Preferences, check “Remote Login”. Or from the command line:

launchctl(1) says such about the -w flag:

-w Overrides the Disabled key and sets it to false. In previous versions, this option would modify the configuration file. Now the state of the Disabled key is stored elsewhere on-disk.

but where exactly is the ‘elsewhere’? After some digging, I find it is /private/var/db/launchd.db/

However, I don’t like the default configuration for sshd. I prefer to have password authentication disabled. Add the following options to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

Restart sshd:

Note to allow incoming traffics to the OpenSSH server through Application Firewall, you must allow incoming connections for /usr/libexec/sshd-keygen-wrapper, either in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Firewall -> Firewall Options..., or from the command line:

Configuring PF

The Application Firewall’s rule of allowing all incoming incoming traffics to the OpenSSH server offers no defense against brute force attack. Leaving the ssh port open on the internet, the server will get thousands of brute force login attempts each day. PF provides an elegant solution to this problem.

Append the following lines to /etc/pf.conf (see Section - Using Overload Tables to Protect SSH of FreeBSD Handbook for an explanation):

Reload /etc/pf.conf:

Over time, the table bruteforce will be filled by overload rules and its size will grow incrementally, taking up more memory. We can expire table entries using pfctl. For example, this command will remove bruteforce table entries which have not been referenced for a day (86400 seconds):

To automate the process, let’s create a timed job using launchd that runs the above command once per day (see Timed Jobs Using launchd).

Create a launchd configuration file /Library/LaunchDaemons/edu.ucsc.manjusri.pfctl-expire.plist, with the following content:

Start the timed job:

P.S. There are a few articles on the Internet on using PF on Mac OS X, but they often bypass the configuration file /etc/pf.conf (e.g. , Using pf on OS X Mountain Lion). If one takes that route, one must disable the Application Firewall. Otherwise Application Firewall will enable PF using the ruleset in /etc/pf.conf. Only one ruleset will get loaded at last and become effective; but which one wins will probably be indeterministic or at least could be a surprise. I choose the approach described in this article, because:

  1. I always like to try something different
  2. I prefer layered defense. In this case, I have 2 firewalls running on the Mac.

Early documentation of SCP-4480 taken by the ASCI.

Item #: SCP-4480

Object Class: Keter

Hostile Work Environment Mac OS

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4480 is currently contained within Sam & Carylin Products, a Foundation subsidiary operating exclusively in Derby, Connecticut and staffed entirely by D-Class personnel1, and is believed to be acting as Dr. Sam Edwards. Any noticeable activity from Dr. Sam Edwards is to be investigated, and if Dr. Sam Edwards resigns from their position, the next habitation of SCP-4480 is to be located and secured by Mobile Task Force Psi-7 'Home Improvement'.

Description: SCP-4480 is a humanoid entity, able to adjust its appearance and produce identification at will. It is known historically to have anomalously affected numerous bureaucratic structures on a worldwide scale, including the Foundation. SCP-4480 forms are always that of a physician selling patent medicine, homeopathic remedies, and mercurial substances with dubious medical value. The gender, sex, race, height, and other physical attributes of SCP-4480 have varied significantly over time depending on the contextual factors of its location.

SCP-4480 spends most of its time in a dormant phase, during which it will travel to locations known to be suffering from epidemics of disease, addiction, and mental illness. It is known to be attracted to disease vectors such as factories, shipping centers, or between offices and other bureaucratic structures. SCP-4480 is most attracted to locations where individuals voluntarily or implicitly sacrifice their physical or mental well-being due to perceived economic or societal necessity. SCP-4480 will begin to ingratiate itself among this target's population as a physician, offering its medical services to disease-infected individuals.

The results of SCP-4480's treatments have varied, and are not always harmful. This has been attributed to the placebo effect but testing has not confirmed this hypothesis.

At irregular intervals, SCP-4480 will begin activity in what is termed 'Vex Events.' During these events, SCP-4480 will use its positions of power to change policies and/or procedures to create a dangerous or hostile work environment. To clarify, SCP-4480 deliberately creates conditions where lower members of the bureaucratic structure, such as laborers and individual managers, will be exposed to disease and unclean materials. Outbreaks of disease inevitably follow the creation of these dangerous conditions, which further exacerbates the damage.

Depending on the number of casualties, fatalities, and the level of misery induced by the Vex Event, SCP-4480 will gain an increased quantity of medical merchandise. SCP-4480 is known to self-medicate and this may be a motivation for its actions. SCP-4480 has consistently denied any involvement with its phenomenonSee Addenda.

SCP-4480 is known to have caused at least 2 confirmed Vex Events during its time in containment, with several other lesser incidents which could have led to further damages.

The motive of SCP-4480, if it has one, is presently unclear. It is unknown how many bureaucratic structures SCP-4480 has infected.

See Also: Exploration Log 4480-1

Interview 4480-A:

Subject: SCP-4480, self-identified as Dr. Wehrner

Interviewer: Researcher Laasko

Foreward: In 1922, SCP-4480 had been hired by Researcher Laasko to treat a fabricated illness, in order to lure SCP-4480 into a position in which it could be contained by the Foundation. This is a written transcript taken by a Foundation typist adjacent to the encounter.

<Begin Interview>

Extraneous communication has been redacted for brevity

SCP-4480: You do not appear to be ill, sir, luckily enough. Spanish Flu. Lord, how many ways the Spaniards will find themselves to be the corpse-makers of Earth, I shall never know. Now! I do have several tonics which may be of interest to you, sir, if you would be so kind as to hear them out.

SCP-4480 opens a suitcase containing a large quantity of dirty vials with illegible labels.

Researcher Laasko: I, heh, um, well, yes, let's hear them, good doctor.

SCP-4480: Nervous? Understandable. Of course. Yes. Quite. Indeed. There is good reason, my friend, oh yes, very good reason. All of what I have here may seem to be somewhat odd, but it tends to all sort itself out, hm?

Researcher Laasko: What about Dr. Roget?

SCP-4480: What about him, sir?

Researcher Laasko: Ever since he, well, paid you a visit, he's been quite ill. Vomiting, lumps… hell, it even reminds me of—

SCP-4480: Simply a coincidence, old sport. You know he's a busy man, perhaps he merely overworked himself. Now, you seem to be suffering from some kind of headache that I hadn't noticed earlier. Could I persuade you of some Beetle Extract? It's perfect for these kind of things.

Hostile Work Environment Mac Os X Download

Researcher Laasko: I swear I recognize you from somewhere. Could you be Dr. Simpson? I remember a friend of mine, who worked at a factory, was talking about a 'Dr. Simpson' who gave beetle extract.

SCP-4480: Although I'm glad to hear of another physician who shares my approach, that theory is preposterous! I like to consider myself an honest man.

Researcher Laasko: I'm beginning to feel better now. Thanks for your help, but I have work to do, and I should be off.

SCP-4480: Alright, then, good day, sport. Say, put in a good word for me in with your supervisor, will you?

<End Interview>

Closing Statement: After the events of this interview, SCP-4480 used its position as a temporary physician within the Foundation to assert that Researcher Laasko was infected with SCP-███ and that he should be terminated as per SCP-███'s containment protocols. This request was vetoed by Site-19's health commissioner. SCP-4480 was later recorded leaving Foundation employment.

Addendum: After ██ years without a Vex Event, it was determined that SCP-4480's then-current containment structures were to be established as a successful baseline for future improvements to be built upon. Shortly after this decision was made, SCP-4480 was able to breach containment due to a clerical error leaving its containment chamber unguarded.

The following interview then appeared, written in pig's blood on printer paper, within a physical copy of SCP-4480's file:

Interview 4480-M:

Subject: The Medicine Man

Interviewer: The Medicine Man

About: A long talk with the self, in order to provide parting words to my friends here at the Fund.

^Start Words^

Me: Hello, handsome.

Also Me: Oh, don't put on your charm, you wretch. You owe these fine people an explanation this instant!

Guess what, me again: I daresay you're right. But how can I tell them? We've been on good terms for some time now, I don't want them to think I've grown disillusioned.

Who can it be now?: It's not really disillusionment if they're just too big. It's not us, it's them.

Myself and I: I guess I'd start off by apologizing, right?

Could me be: What for? It's just a matter of both us and them following natural instincts.

I: suppose you're right. You see, gang, my whole reason for being is to be a cog in the works. At least, that's the loop of life I've used successfully for an awfully long time.

Who, me: Quite an awfully long time, but not quite as awful as the time I've spent here.

Now me,: Let's not be rude. They've been very hospitable for our every need.

I've just: Got to let you know that keeping me locked up is very dangerous to both of us. If I'm not bringing my wares to the unkept masses, they'll be sick. We'll be sick. If you fall, then there aren't going to be many pieces left for us to start over again.

Hostile Work Environment Examples

That's why I've: We've got to be going now. I promise I'll write, old sport. For the good time's sake. I promise not to break too much on my way out.

Conclusion: So long, farewell, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

In the course of the escape attempt, Site-77 underwent a Vex event. Personnel who came into the proximity of SCP-4480 were overcome by sudden acute influenza. Agents in controlled environment protection suits were able to subdue SCP-4480 following this event.

During follow-up research into the breach, SCP-4480 began claiming credit for sickness in senior Foundation personnel and expressed a wish to parlay with the Foundation. In exchange for being permitted the ability to affect organizations outside the Foundation, SCP-4480 would not inflict any anomalous phenomenon on Foundation personnel. This led to the estabishment of the current containment procedures.

Hostile Work Environment Mac Os Catalina

Currently, SCP-4480's containment procedures are focused on keeping it within a self-contained bubble controlled entirely by the Foundation while maintaining the illusion of freedom. No Vex events have been recorded since present protocols were enacted.

1. D-Class are to be subjected to SCP-4480's treatments to ensure its continued cooperation.